Grace School Associations

Scholars and Athletic Service

What is it? A one-time fee to cover your student's mid-year transcript update (each school year your student is enrolled in grades 9-12 at GSA), Quest Bridge and Common App submissions, counselor recommendations, 4.0 GPA conversions for out-of-state institutions and athletic scholarship recommendation.


Who needs it? Students who are participating in public school athletics or the top 30% of the class who plans to utilize any of those services above.


How does it help me or my student? It saves you money over the long-term. It will include email reminders to submit forms and or records by your students' additional due dates. Mid-year reports are requested frequently for scholarship seeking students and are required for sports participation semi-annually.


When should get it? Some students will know as early as 9th grade. Other students may not know until the end of their junior year, each family circumstance is different.


How long is it good for? Students GSA high School enrollment duration.

Regular price $50.00 USD
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